11 Ways to Reduce Car Insurance Premiums
Previously you might think that the premium is determined by the insurance company. This is not entirely true because you can help reduce the premium
11 Ways to Reduce Car Insurance Premiums - Along with the increases in the price of the car in the automotive market, also increasing the cost of insurance premiums for these cars. In the midst of uncertain economic situation, it would be nice if you could save money by cutting some of the cost of your insurance premiums. Previously you might think that the premium is determined by the insurance company. This is not entirely true because you can help reduce the premium by the following ways.

1. Choose your vehicle carefully
When buying a new car, you need to consider the type of car, type and capacity of the machine, as well as the manufacturer. Logically, the higher the price of the car you buy, the more expensive the repair costs, which in turn can increase your premiums.
2. Hone your driving skills
Although you have been able to drive the car from the self-taught, there is no harm in seeking a certificate of course the steering wheel. If possible, choose a vehicle that would not normally hold. Better yet, if you can master the machine manual and automatic machines.
3. Consider your neighborhood
This applies to new couples who are looking for a place to stay. A safe environment with the support of infrastructure and good traffic can reduce your risk as an insurance customer.
4. Fill your car with special security
Automatic seat belts, air bags, alarm system, GPS tracking is common completeness. Make sure your car has it all and if possible fitted with anti-theft devices.
5. Make some comparisons insurance premiums
For new customers, it helps you to compare premiums from several leading insurance companies to find the best deal.
6. Ask for discounts
This rebate can be obtained from the insurance for your child or other family members who participated drive your car. The lower portion of their driving, chances are you get greater discounts. Generally, you are also eligible to receive a discount if you insure more than one car at a time.
7. Improve Own Risk (OR) or Individual Risk
By increasing the risk yourself, you impose a risk on yourself so that the risks covered by the insurance company in case of accident, damage or loss is getting smaller. Decreased risk can help reduce your premiums.
8. Maintain a clean record
These notes will be affected by your prudence in driving. Of course, the more you clean safety record, the lower the risk you as a customer.
9. Reduce or guarantees premium protection unnecessary
No one knows when disaster will happen, then there is no harm in considering longer warranties or extension that you really need. This reduction can give you a significant premium discount.
10. Use public transportation
If it is still possible for you to not bring the vehicle while traveling, use public transportation or ride with others. This will affect the mileage of your car. The more mileage, of course, the risk is even greater.
11. Boost your credit score
You may be wondering relationship with the credit score of your insurance premiums. Some insurance companies consider credit scores as one measure of the risk of the customer. In general, if your credit score is bad, your reputation is likely to worsen as the driver. To better understand how to improve your credit score, read this article.
Projection car insurance premiums in the future is considered to be down. Hopefully the above tips you can be wise to set insurance premiums and ultimately may benefit financially from setting the premium.